Bougainvillea Flower Essence
Imagination • Freedom • Protection
Imagination: The Spirit of Bougainvillea assists us in using our imagination to create the life of our dreams. Through connecting with our inner world, we provide ourselves what's needed to live a vivid, colorful, meaningful life; being able to see what is possible.
Freedom: She morphs and changes depending on where she's growing - a tree, shrub, vine...offering a balance of freedom, growth, and adaptability. When our conditioning or old growth patterns no longer serve us, it is time to look inward and reemerge with our true free self.
Protection: The vivid color of the leaves attracts you, but as you peer inward the beauty inside is revealed, the tiny white beautiful flowers. However, the branches are covered in thorns: the closer inward to the base of the tree you get, the larger and sharper those thorns become. Bougainvillea Spirit teaches us about building trust and intimacy, while protecting our inner space and still offering a beautiful and attractive vibration.
~ Making Flower Essences ~
The practice of making and taking flower essence is deeply meditative! As I prepare each essence, I set an intention and goal and do practices to clean and clear energy from everything I will be using. Everything is energy, so I clear with Palo santo, I use a Himalayan Sound bowl to clear the energy from the spring water and brandy and also add positive intentions back into them… same with crystals I use!
I used Clear Quartz and Rose Quartz with this Bougainvillea Essence.
~ Info on Flower Essences ~
Flower essences were first discovered in the 1930s by Dr Edward Bach, a physician, and homeopath who believed that emotional well-being was the key to good health. He devoted his life to exploring the use of flowers and plants to create a simple, natural, and gentle approach to emotional balance.
Each flower has its own distinct energetic vibration.
Flower Essences capture the energetic imprint of a plant... the blossoms, which is the highest expression of the life force of a plant the Qi or Prana : and energy is transferred into and captured by water.
By tuning-in to the flowers around us we gain more insight into ourselves, helping to understand ourselves better, raise our energy vibration, and connect us to our natural environment. We can release blockages and rework patterns that may not be serving us, and reframe destructive stories in a more empowering light. They can clear away residual effects of any past traumas as well as the long, slow shock of, for instance, an unhappy childhood. They even help to eliminate, at the vibrational level, the inherited genetic weaknesses - energy passed down from our parents and ancestors. Also, this works on past, present and future. Our past, our genetic past, what you’re going through right now, and what you may face later- it’s in your energy field so it will work as things could potentially come up.
The beauty of flower essences is that they help us to become aware of elements in our nature that are undermining our sense of well-being. They do not work on us but with us. They bring our attention to any imbalance that exists within, in order to lend their energetic support so we can release it gently from our lives. In this way, we can begin to take responsibility for our own health and happiness.
Flower Essences work to bring our mind, body, spirit back into balance!
Comes with either 40% Brandy (lasts 3 years) or Apple Cider Vinegar (lasts 6 months) as the preservative.